- 單一蛋白質(鴨肉)
- 最細粒的成犬狗糧(直徑 10 毫米),非常適合小型狗狗或老犬,容易進食及消化
- 有益腸道健康的益生元
- 解決狗狗挑食問題
That's why we have used a perfect blend of proteins and nutrients to ensure dogs of all shapes, sizes and breeds are happy and full of energy.
Dr. Maiyanne Ben-David and Dr. Tiffany Harries work alongside our U.S. based nutritionist to make sure Buddy Bites has all the nutrients and essential protein to let your dog thrive!
Dr. Tiffany Harris
Dr. Maiyanne Ben-David
Dr. Maiyanne Ben-David and Dr. Tiffany Harries work alongside our U.S. based nutritionist to make sure Buddy Bites has all the nutrients and essential protein to let your dog thrive!
We have two young puppies who love duck and this product. We use this as a treat, snack or topper for their puppy kibble. Would love to see a puppy version of the adult flavors. Our pups can't eat fish so rules out Buddy Bites for the time being.
此狗糧蛋白質共幾多? 我見只有24%?
My dog is super fussy, and it doesn’t help that she’s elderly. I really appreciate that the kibbles are small so she can eat it without having the kibbles soaked, and she loves it!
it was so great for my love dog
my dog is a picky eater but she enjoys her buddy bites kibbles a lot, especially because it comes in a small size
This (along with the puppy food) is the only brand that Honey will eat consistently. Although she is a very fussy eater... she loves this food! Definitely get your hands on a bag. The service is exceptional too!
My dog loves this food !
Hi think this is such a fantastic service but I’m sad to say that our dog is very picky and is not keen on the food. I’m sure other dogs are not so picky, it would be really good if there were other flavours to chose from. Thanks for the fab service.
Crime master gogo loves chasing ducks, so it was only natural she loved to eat them too!
Our dogs loved it. My dogs are quite fussy but they like this duck just as much as the other Buddy Bites flavours. They're spoilt for choice now!
Our dog is super happy & always finishes all his bowl - perfect for small adults dogs so as to give full energy Highly recommended
Solid and yummy taste that I cannot resist! Thank you for making my dog food transition from puppy to adult a smooth one! Love it! - Cookie
My dogs are senior and they gaining some weight after i changed thier dog food to buddy bites. Hope u can offer low calorie dog food for senior canine.
Yossi just loves the duck kibbles. It's satisfying to see him gobble the plate clean when Buddy Bites kibbles are served.