Heading into the 5th wave, we are all probably used to restriction by now, but just in case you run out of things to do, here are a few ideas of activities you can do with your dog!
Bring the Pawty to You
While you enjoy a delicious glass (or bottle) of world-renowned South African wine from @cellartodoor wines, your dog can enjoy an equally delicious glass (or bowl) of a dog-friendly cocktail from @puptails_hk. Kick on some awesome tunes and you’ve brought the pawty to you!!
@cellartodoor @puptailshk
Movie Night!
Whether it be 6pm F&B curfews, or working from home, one silver lining, is a lot more time with your dogs! Replace your commute time, with a nice homely evening. Order in a pizza for you, get some Buddy Bites for your pup, and watch a movie with the whole family: Beethoven, Lady and The Tramp, Homeward Bound, Secret Life of Pets, or Lassie, are some of our favourites.
Teach them tricks with training treats: Zeke
If you’re feeling productive yet still want to bond with your dog, why not teach them a few new tricks? Buddy Bites delicious training treats are perfect to hold your dog's attention when training them, keeping them interested and keen to learn! You can also check out dog trainer Zeke Kwong’s Instagram page @zkdogtraining for some tips and tricks when training your dog.
Pet painting
In an artsy mood? This easy-to-do activity could help you create lifetime memories.
Simply dip your pet’s paw in animal-friendly, non-toxic paint and place their paw on a piece of paper and canvas, and now you have a long-lasting print of your pets’ paw.
Another method is to place a piece of paper covered in paints into a zip lock bag, seal it, and spread peanut butter or whatever spread your doggo loves onto the outside of the zip lock bag and let your dog go wild! After they are done lapping up their delicious treat, remove the piece of paper and you will have a masterpiece painted by your dog all by themselves!
Lastly, lockdown is the perfect opportunity to get your fitness on, and hiking is a good excuse for you and your dog to get out and get some fresh air. Just remember to maintain proper social distancing, follow restrictions, and don’t hike in groups larger than 4 (doggo excluded).
It is certainly not an easy time, but it is a great opportunity to hang out with your furry friend and tick off a few things you might not do otherwise. Please DM us if you have any great ideas of things to do with your dog over the next (hopefully) few weeks.
Belly scratches,
Team Buddy Bites